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The Instructors

Meet the Team

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Jordan and Ruth Stackhouse 
 -  Principle Instructors
Our Story - 25 Years and Counting!

We are a husband and wife team from Canada who have enjoyed 25 years of travel, adventure and learning languages together. We're fluent in Spanish and Swahili, and are currently learning Hindi. We love teaching and something that gives us great joy is helping others to reach their goals by becoming very skilled and well-paid Language Instructors. We also love helping people to see how they themselves can learn a second or third language.  

We have lived and worked in the Dominican Republic, Spain, Russia, Poland and Tanzania. Our work of training other language instructors has also taken us to Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, India, Italy, Kenya, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Myanmar, and Romania.

Over the years, we have found ourselves in so many situations where we were either a STUDENT of a foreign language, or TEACHING a foreign language. This has  helped us to develop keen insight into the learning experience from BOTH perspectives. Experiencing the frustration and satisfaction of studying Russian, Spanish, Swahili and Hindi has given us great empathy for the challenges that students of languages face. We are delighted to share the knowledge that we have gained from these experiences with you during your training as you embark on your exciting journey as a language teacher.

Our Experience & Education 

In the 90's, we both took various courses that equipped us to get started teaching English and Spanish. Ruth's first English teaching job was in Pusan, South Korea. 

In 2001, we received intense training in Patterson, NY and studied a course in improved English comprehension for international translators and Interpreters. We were then sent to Warsaw, Poland and St. Petersburg, Russia, where we spent 6 months and two years, respectively, teaching translators and interpreters how to do a deep text analysis of English before translation. This course also included extensive discussions of figurative language and English Grammar. 

In 2009, we returned to Patterson, NY for a 6 month training program that sent us to Tanzania, East Africa - where we spent almost 8 years learning Swahili. While there, we helped to set up a regional translation office for the locally spoken language of Ekihaya. 

In 2017, we enriched our training by completing the well-known and very respected CELTA course designed by the University of Cambridge. We took this training at the Basil Paterson College in Edinburgh, Scotland. CELTA stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults - Level 5. According to the UK Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation, it is equivalent to a foundation degree. 

Together, we've traveled to 60 countries and been able to train over 1000 language instructors with the same accelerated and dynamic methods you will learn in our 5 day TESOL course. 

We are excited to share as much of our expertise and training as possible with you, and we really look forward to meeting you! 

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