Can you believe that Summer 2019 is drawing to a close!? Yes, we are now well into the Pumpkin Latte season and Autumn leaves are starting to swirl. But we have had an absolutely amazing summer here at Pure Language Institute! Where do we start? Well, we kicked off our summer teaching season here in beautiful Victoria, Vancouver Island, Canada. We held a fantastic one-week seminar with a group of very enthusiastic teachers-in- training. Some from this class are already making plans to put their certificates to immediate use by teaching online and supporting themselves in such places as Guatemala, China, the Middle East and India!
By the way, we can’t even tell you what an amazing place Victoria is to live! There is nothing like life here on the Pacific Northwest Coast!
Even now this very minute the sun is shining and I just came back from a walk on the harbour front! – but we will be “pulling up anchor” soon and heading to Africa and India for short term volunteer work there. We are so excited to be heading to Camaroon, then straight to Côte d’Voire, and then on to Chandigarh, India. But, Victoria is an amazing “home base”! Keep an eye on our Instagram page to follow our upcoming adventures!(@purelanguageinstitute)
Our next course took place in Vancouver. It was wonderful to see some familiar faces from when we used to live in Langara! We wish all our Vancouver graduates the best of success in their endeavours!
The next class was held in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was often windy and rainy outside, but things quickly heated up inside with all the energy our teachers-in-training put into their teaching practices! It was SO wonderful to meet so many from nearby areas who have taught themselves Spanish to be helpful in their community, and others that travelled all the way from Doncaster, Wales, London and other places in the UK.
Then we travelled to Chelmsford, England. We had a large class there of almost 50 extremely enthusiastic students/teacher-in-training! Talk about Energy! It was AMAZING to meet so many from all over the UK and Ireland. (We even learned to sing in Irish!!) Most of the students were just finishing their volunteer work assignments on a nearby project and are very eager to continue doing such work. They all said that the course came just at the perfect time for them to gain the confidence and skills needed to go ahead with their plans-such as moving to India and supporting themselves in other volunteer work. We were happy to be of assistance! We really look forward to coming to Chelmsford again one day! Such a lovely little town in Essex, and not far from the coast!
Next up was Seattle. A very vibrant group – many from this group are planning to teach English online and some are relocating to India to do volunteer work there.
In conclusion, let’s take a moment to consider 10 reasons why getting certified to teach English (or any other language your are already fluent in) with us is such a fantastic decision:
1) to be able to support yourself financially, while being totally“location independent,” and live anywhere in the world.
2) Start your own online business and break free from slaving and working long hours to enrich others, while receiving very little pay yourself. Learn how to be self-employed.
3) Gain the confidence needed to greatly simplify your life, rid yourself of so many belongings, debts, time wasting habits and fulfil your dream of moving to another country to help others, even if you can only do it for 6 months or a year – it will change your life forever!
4) Meet other people with exactly the same goals as you!
5) Gain the encouragement needed to greatly simplify your life, re-structure your priorities and learn the steps needed to “quit your day job” and reach out for other alternative ways to support yourself.
6) Very affordable way to try out the idea of teaching English, practice teaching in a classroom setting. (Because most secular TESOL certification courses cost triple what we charge and require a much longer time commitment)
7) Become certified and ready to walk into a classroom and teachimmediately upon finishing the one week course.
8) Gain insight from the combined 50 years of teaching and life experience from the two instructors who have lived in 9 different countries and traveled to 50 others and are fluent in 3 languages.
9) Improve your ability and confidence as a teacher in many unexpected ways, not just as a language instructor!
10) Experience the joy of laughter and happiness in classroom settings, group discussions and teaching practices that are unlike anything you have ever experienced in a traditional classroom.